• No student shall enter into the university campus before and after the prescribed hours and without ID card.
  • A student failing to earn 50 per cent presence in classes of a course will be deemed as Attendance Default Student and will not be allowed to sit for the final examination. 50 to 59% attendance can attend final exam after paying penalty.
  • A student shall not normally be allowed to sit for any examination without admit card. Students are to collect admit cards at least 3 days before the date of the examination.
  • A candidate must write his/her Name, Roll No., Reg. No., Year, Semester, and Course No. & Course Title clearly and legibly in the respective box provided in the answer script before he/she starts writing the answer in the examinations.
  • A candidate may use additional answer sheets if needed and must get them signed by the invigilator on duty and attach them with original Answer Script.
  • A candidate must not write anything on the question paper, desk, chairs or walls and must not adopt any other unfair means in the examination hall. If any candidate is found with any objectionable papers in his/her possession and/or adopts unfair means, he/she shall be debarred from appearing at this or all examinations and may be expelled.
  • No candidate is allowed to leave his/her seat without submitting the Answer Script to the invigilator.
  • A candidate must sign his/her name in the attendance sheet.
  • A candidate must maintain strict discipline including silence in the examination hall.
  • No student will be allowed to go out from the examination hall in midterm exams (in an exam of 1 hour duration) but in final examination a student may be allowed once for 5 minutes only, It is also to be mentioned here that no student will be allowed to go out during the 1st one hour and last 15 minutes of examination.
  • No more than one candidate is allowed to go outside the examination hall at a time.
  • No student shall use mobile phone in the class or examination rooms.
  • For any other matters, the decision of the invigilator in the examination halls shall be considered final.
  • If a student’s attendance of morning, day or afternoon shifts batches remains less than 60% and ‘student’s attendance’ of evening shift batches remains less than 40% in any semester course then that student shall be given ‘zero’ mark out of fifteen marks assigned in their ‘attendance & class performance’.
  • ‘Attendance default student’ may be allowed to sit for the semester final examinations on payment of prescribed fee.


  • If a student fails to sit for midterm and final examinations in maximum of 2 courses in a semester, he/she may sit for retake examination if allowed by the Controller of Examinations on the recommendation of the course teacher and the Head of the Department on payment of prescribed fee.
  • A retake examinee shall make application in prescribed form to The Head of the Department through the concerned teacher who will forward it to accounts and development office. The accounts and development office shall it to Controller of Exams, who is the final authority to give permission for examination. This means a retake examinee may sit for two retake examinations after fulfilling the stated procedures and payment of necessary fees.
  • Midterm retake exam must be taken before the final exam of concerned semester. Semester final retake shall be taken within 15 days from the date of publication of the semester result.


  • A student may be allowed to sit for failed courses in each semester final examination on payment of prescribed fee for each course.
  • Student failing to submit the internship report/project paper or dissertation within prescribed period shall be asked to re-register for particular period and may submit such report or paper on payment of prescribed fees.
  • In case of grade improvement, only final examination can be improved just once on payment of a prescribed fee for each course on surrendering the previous grade provided that the student scored below B+ grade.